Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Legalizing Marijuana Essays - Cannabis, Cannabis Smoking, Entheogens
Legalizing Marijuana Essays - Cannabis, Cannabis Smoking, Entheogens Legalizing Marijuana What this can't be true, marijuana can't be good for you it causes asthma and bronchitis. Oh wait I almost forgot thats just another misconception of marijuana in truth it is actually good for people suffering from asthma and bronchitis. Yeah right, this wonder of a drug isn't only not bad for you, but it can actually promote good health. This drug can save lives, it can restore people's vision, in fact there isn't much this drug can't do. Marijuana can save the lives of people diagnosed with cancer, and prolong the lives of people with the HIV virus. It reduces nausea and increases the appetite. If this isn't enough to change your mind about marijuana how about all the people with glocoma? Smoking marijuana will clear up their vision and relieve the pressure in their eyes, AND IT CAN EVEN PREVENT THEM FROM BEING BLIND. Marijuana supposedly causes brain damage but that is only another misconception. This misconception has been tested and proven wrong. The only thing that actually makes marijuana bad for you is the tar in it, and it is not good for your lungs to breathe in anything that hot. Now these aren't terribly bad for you, but they can be overcome by using a bong or waterpipe and putting ice in it. Every year law enforcement spends countless man-hours trying to apprehend marijuana dealers and growers. This time would be better utilized in dealing with more serious crimes. A study carried out in California clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of marijuana as a treatment for cancer: Over 74 percent of the cancer patients treated in the program have reported that marijuana is more effective in relieving their nausea and vomiting than any other drug they have tried.(Zeese 1990). Moreover, several other things can be produced commercially using the marijuana plant. There is a possible revenue obtainable from hemp, which can be manufactured into clothing material, vegetable oil, paper product, and livestock feed (Caputo and Ostrom 485). However, crime enforcement energy is often spent dealing with cases that are not necessary. The police spend useless time trying to arrest marijuana growing and smokers. If marijuana is legalized, drug-fighting
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Exploring the Components Found in the Ideal Classroom
Exploring the Components Found in the Ideal Classroom Perfection is often elusive, but good teachers continuously strive to obtain it. The classroom is the epicenter of teaching and learning. Throughout the school year, the four walls of a classroom encapsulate life-changing interactions between the teacher and their students. A classroom typically takes on the personality of the teacher. Though similarities are prevalent in every classroom, no two classrooms are exactly the same. 35 Components of an Ideal Classroom Every teacher will have a slightly different version of the ideal classroom, but common elements do exist. It is in these commonalities that you often find a true representation of characteristics found in the ideal classroom. The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.is student-centered meaning that the teacher is the facilitator of learning built on student interests and abilities. The teacher rarely lectures or uses worksheets, but instead provides students with engaging, authentic learning opportunities.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.is a display center for student made learning posters, artwork, and other exemplary work.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.is well organized so that teachers and students can utilize the resources in the room quickly and efficiently.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.provides students with a safe zone where they feel comfortable and can temporarily escape any problems they are dealing with at home.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.has structure or a specified set of procedures and expectations that everyone follows.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.has a teacher who always addresses their students in a positive manner. They treat their s tudents fairly and maintain the dignity of the student when addressing discipline issues.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.has an open door policy where parents and community members are encouraged to participate actively in daily activities and lessons. The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..embraces technology and regularly integrates aspects of technology into lessons.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.provides regular authentic learning opportunities where active, hands-on learning is a standard classroom practice.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.is one where teachable moments are embraced. The teacher realizes that value learning opportunities exist beyond simple rote learning and takes advantage of those opportunities.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.embraces modeling and independent practice as a critical learning tool. The teacher models new skills and then allows students to practice these newly acquired skills independently.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.allows students to work cooperatively on learning projects. Students are taught to create a plan, assign tasks, and then to bring everything together to complete the project.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.has a teacher who is not afraid to experiment. They are continuously searching for ideas to boost learning and regularly tweaks previously used lessons to meet the needs of their current students. The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.incorporates a variety of proven instructional strategies throughout the school year. The teacher exposes students to a wide range of strategies so that multiple learning styles are addressed on a regular basis.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.is one where respect is a core value. Teachers and students understand that respect is a two-way street. Everyone is respectful of others thoughts and feelings.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.is amicable. Students and teachers may disagree from time to time, but they respect each other’s opinions and listen to the other side without passing judgment.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.embraces accountability. Students are taught self-discipline and hold each other accountable when they make a mistake. The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.embraces individual diversity and differences. Students are not only taught to value differences but that all individuals bring real val ue to the classroom because they are different.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.is not limited to the four walls of the classroom. The same principles applied in the classroom are extended to all areas of the school as well as all school activities. The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.encourages all students to participate actively in every learning activity. Each student brings value to the learning process and thus are expected to pull their weight in each and every activity.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.is content driven meaning that students are minimally taught the concepts and requirements per grade level and subject area.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.is data-driven. The teacher pulls data from multiple sources to paint an accurate portrait of individual student needs. The teacher then creates individualized learning opportunities to meet the specific needs of each student in their class.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.provides sequential learning opportunities allowing students to connect new learning experiences to prior learning experiences. It also allows students to begin to look forward to learning that is on the horizon.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.allows students to t ap into individual talents and creativity. Students are encouraged to individualize learning projects by putting their own unique or creative spin on them. The ideal built on high expectations. No one is allowed just to get by. The teacher and students expect maximum effort and participation in every class activity.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.is one that students look forward to going to. They anticipate new learning opportunities and look forward to seeing the adventure that each day brings.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.is made up of fewer than eighteen students, but more than ten students.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.teaches students more than what is required. Students are taught valuable life lessons and skills. They are encouraged to begin to establish a plan for their future.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.provides students with clear and concise directions in both verbal and written form. Students are given an opportunity to ask questions before, during, and after a task for clarification.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..has an ongoing, collaborativ e and engaging dialog where students share their expertise and experiences on the topic at hand. Teachers are facilitators who guide the discussion, but who ensure students are engaged throughout the discussion. The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.has plenty of educational resources including up-to-date textbooks, supplemental learning tools, technology, and a comprehensive classroom library.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.provides every student with one-on-one instruction on a daily basis to meet individualized learning needs.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.has a teacher who makes adjustments as needed. The teacher takes the time to re-teach concepts when necessary and recognizes when individual students are struggling and provides them with extra assistance when needed.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.is full of students focused on learning. They are goal oriented and refuse to be a distraction for their classmates. They love learning and realize that a good education is a means to an end.The ideal classroom†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..prepares students for the future. Students not only advance to the next grade level but do so with the tools and abilities to be su ccessful.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Evangelism Vision Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Evangelism Vision - Research Paper Example These words were a direct command from Jesus to the then disciples and all those who would come into the Kingdom later, in order to mobilize His followers into all parts of the world in fulfillment of His promise when He called His first disciples to follow Him and He would make them fishers of men, Mark 1:17. Wherever I am, I have realized that it is a command from Christ who I have accepted as my Lord, to make Him known to the people around me, a duty that Jesus has delegated to all members of the church which is His body.2 As can be noted from the Bible, Jesus started His mission on earth with evangelism, Mark 1:38b where once He told disciples,’ that I may preach there also, for therefore came I forth’, and ended it with evangelism when He gave His followers the great commission. This shows the great importance that He attaches to the redemption of man, also saying in Luke 19:10 that He came to seek and to save that which was lost. I have also learnt that my changed life as a Christian is very crucial to the success of my evangelistic endeavor. Many Christians undertake the call to make disciples or evangelize just like passing on information, but a dying world will like to witness the change that has taken place in a Christian’s life after embracing the gospel.3 Jesus was confident enough to tell His followers to learn of Him, Mathew 11:29 and so was Paul the Apostle who said, â€Å"Be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an example.†A changed lifestyle will have much greater effect than a sermon of many words because the impact can be clearly seen. Paul talked about a time when people will have’ a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof’, when their lives, which will not have been changed by what they profess, 2Timothy 3:5. While it is very vital to share the correct message of the gospel which is in line with the word of God, it is very crucial that the information passed on is validated by my changed and consistent way of life. Evangelism has been taken by many Christians to be a Spiritual gift that has been given to a few select individuals, contrary to what the Bible teaches. While some people may be endowed with gifts that may help them to evangelize in a better way, the evangelistic call is for all members of the church. As Christians realize that evangelism is not just about sharing the good news, but about an aspect to be embraced as a lifestyle by every believer, there were be much more effective witnessing. It is not also an aspect that is to be done by a certain kind of personality, but is one that God has assigned to every member of the body of Christ, since as we share the message of redemption in the power of the Holy Ghost, the results are left to God according to John 6; 44, which states that no man can come to God unless drawn by God Himself. As we also study Ephesians 4 verse 11-12, the five fold ministry has been given by Christ to prepare the Church for the works of service. Christians are equipped by those endowed with these ministry
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act Essay
Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act - Essay Example Partly in response to King’s actions and his march to Washington, the government took the necessary actions in ensuring that there was equality in opportunities among all the people. It passed the Civil Rights and the Voting Rights Laws which effectively played a role in ending segregation within the American community (King & Lillback, 2003, 78). The other contemporary readings in the paper do not clearly indicate what role the government should play in ensuring that there is equality in opportunities. Brittain is pessimistic about the achievement of the integrated society that Dr. King believed and sacrificed himself for. Shelby Steele, a male, argues that African American should be responsible for their uplift whereas the white community should be responsible for providing the moral support required. He also states that the white community should be responsible for fighting racism that lingers within it. Steele additionally raises vigorous opposition against the Affirmative Action law in his works (King & Lillback, 2003, 97). ... utality and slavery contrasted the promises and liberties in farming, which President Jefferson termed as the guarantor of virtues along with morality in the American society. The author does not, however, state which method the government should adopt to end the vices (King & Lillback, 2003, 99). D’ Souza, on the other hand, who is a conservative, urges that the American Revolution principles should be conserved. In his book titled â€Å"We the Slave Owners†, the author argues against classical liberalism and old virtues along with the belief that man’s nature is fundamentally good and for these reason enormous conflicts emerge. He additionally states that the mediation process should be carried out by organizations such as the UN. The author does challenge the beliefs of concepts like affirmative action along with issues concerning social welfare. He finally attributes the majority of the current problems and other social issues being experienced to cultural th eft (D’ Souza, 154). The civil rights law that came into being in the year 1964 banned discriminatory actions against women and African Americans within their society which included the issue of racial segregation. It ended the inequalities that existed between the requirements for various voters within the system while also ending racial restrictions that existed in their working areas, schools along with public places and facilities. The American government through their voting rights law outlawed discrimination in their voting systems in the year 1965. The reason for enacting the law was because it had brought a lot of disenfranchisement among the African American society living within the United States of America (King & Lillback, 109). The law specifically prevents any standards, practices or
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Differences and Similarities in the Arguments for Legalizing Marijuana Essay Example for Free
Differences and Similarities in the Arguments for Legalizing Marijuana Essay Differences and Similarities in the Arguments for Legalizing Marijuana The legalization of marijuana has become a mainstream issue that the nation has become highly concerned about in recent years. Lately more and more conservative opposers have begun to change their minds, realizing the benefits of marijuana. Debate followers go as far as saying that it is no longer a question of if marijuana will be legalized, but when. The shift in viewpoints is due to the increasing awareness of some of the positive effects legalizing marijuana could have on the country. Pro-legalization advocates argue that the benefits of legalizing marijuana greatly outnumber the benefits of keeping it illegal. There are several, very different arguments for the pro-pot stance advocates have taken. They claim legalization would be beneficial by causing a significant reduction in crime (which would empty prisons and save millions of dollars in tax money), creating a new industry that can be taxed and regulated, boosting the economy, and a new, effective, and low-dependency medicine. These benefits seem to be universally desired by the pro-pot party and are often mentioned in literature advocating marijuana legalization. Another similarity in arguments usually revolves around the issue of medical marijuana. Some advocates call for marijuana to be completely legalized, including use for recreational purposes, but this is opposed in most cases. Some advocates only want marijuana legalization if there will be strict regulations and restrictions on who can use it. In the article â€Å"Weed All About It,†Gary Cartwright gives ample evidence and quotations from experts that form his pro legalization argument: â€Å"In 1988 the Drug Enforcement Administrations chief law judge declared that ‘marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man’ (87). Cartwright goes into specific ways that legalization of marijuana could benefit the country, including the economical and societal impacts, and medicinal use. He also addresses questions most advocates ten to shy away from because of the lack of certainty in the answer (like, â€Å"Would marijuana use increase if it was legalized?†). One similarity of Cartwright’s stance and other articles is the the claim that prohibiting the use of marijuana is unconstitutionally, and making the government seem like the bad guy. In â€Å"Medical Marijuana 2010: It’s Time to Fix the Regulatory Vacuum,†Peter Cohen claims that restricting doctors from recommending marijuana to alleviate symptoms is a violation of free speech and that â€Å"science, not ideology, should be dispositive†(3). Cohen continues to set up the government as the villain by describing two seemingly non-coincidental events in which fullyfunded teams of qualified scientists were denied access o marijuana by the DEA, while simultaneously being supported by a long list of research organizations An argument in the article, â€Å"Obama, the Fourteenth Amendment and the Drug War,†by Martin D. Carcie uses the Constitution as the backbone in justifying its position. According to Carcie, marijuana prohibition directly violates our Fourteenth Amendment, â€Å"under the Fourteenth Amendment, bodily autonomy i.e., the control over the borders and contents of one’s body burdened by laws like marijuana prohibitionis a fundamental right†(308). Cartwright does not explicitly mention the Constitution in his article, but makes the same claim that Cohen and Carcie make; â€Å"Some people will use drugs no matter what the consequences, butthe user primarily harms himself. When he harms others, we do something about it, just as we arrest those who drink and drive†(Cartwright 88). Cartwright also builds the government up to be the villain, claiming that, â€Å"Over time, law enforcement officials have repeatedly misled the public and the media about the so=c alled scourge of drugs†(Cartwright 88). Both authors do this to give the reader the ability to look at the article with a blank slate. They know their audience is anti-legalization, so they want to make sure that the readers know, before they choose a stance, they’ve been lied to. This makes the authors seem like more trustworthy and rational choice. By using the Constitution to back up their arguments, there is no real way to justify anti-legalization. Assumptions will be made that you’re anti-Constitution, and in turn, anti-American. Another similarity between Cartwright’s stance and other arguments for marijuana legalization is the huge emphasis on the effects it will have on the economy. In the article â€Å"Up In Smoke,†Kelley Beaucar Vlahos describes the economic benefits of legalization, while giving real number estimates of how much revenue could be brought in or saved. She writes, â€Å"Proponents of Prop 19 claimed taxes on legalized cannabis could bring upwards of $1.4 billion in to beleaguered state coffers†(Vlahos 18). Cartwright does this in his article as well, stating that â€Å"In America, we spend nearly $8 billion trying to enforce the laws prohibiting the use and possesson of marijuana†(Cartwright 86). Cartwright further supports this argument by providing more proof of the waste of taxpayers’ dollars, stating that â€Å"in Texas, 97 percent of all marijuana arrests are for simple possessionan ounce or lessat a cost to taxpayers of $480 million a year†(86). Cartwright chooses to provide the reader with these statistics for deliberate reasons: it provides a shock factor that he utilizes to sway the reader’s opinions. Vlahos also uses this same technique by including several statistics. This is much more effective than giving ambiguous amounts, like â€Å"a lot or â€Å"millions†because giving an exact estimate shows that there has been a significant amount of research about the economic benefits of marijuana, making the reader more likely to trust the numbers. By using the phrase â€Å"simple possession,†Cartwright builds up the worth of the money spent by making it seem like possession is harmless, forcing the reader to feel indignant. The authors also choose to talk about the economy because it is the highest concern of the counrty right now, and they present marijuana as an instant solution. The argument for the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes in Cohen’s article is consisten with Cartwright’s article as well. Cohen’s article is mainly about the benefits of marijuana as a medicine. In the article, he disproves the government’s claim that marijuana has no therapeutic value and describes specific symptoms marijuana could help with, â€Å"Several studies publishedhave demonstrated that the drug is sage and effective in controlling nausea and other adverse effects of chemotherapy, relieving multiple sclerosis-induced spasticity, easing certain types of pain, and ameliorating weight loss accompanying AIDS†(Cohen 657). Cartwright does the same thing using more of an emotional technique by describing a group of people in wheelchairs that use marijuana for relief from pain. Both articles advocate for medical marijuana, but the way they go about making their arguments differ. Cohen approaches the topic of medical marijuana more scientifically than Cartwright does, using several studies and scientific evidence as his argument’s support. Cohen is also much more specific in the particular ways marijuana can be used, and provides suggestions on how to regulate the drug. The reader automatically feels sympathy for the people in wheelchairs and they become victims in the reader’s mind. Cartwright also gives a second example of a quadriplegic man that was thrown into jail for possession without regard for his medical needs, further establishing a feeling of empathy from his audience. Cohen uses such an ample amount of hard evidence it’s impossible not to trust him. By doing this, Cohen reaches out to his specific audience, the American Medical Association, in a much more effective way. The topic of marijuana legalization is very complex. The multiple points of views, though sharing the same goal, differ regarding how to succeed at accomplishing those goals and for what purpose. Through the different means that each of these authors use to convey their message, they all, in the end, support their individual arguments effectively.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Stereotype of Politicians Breaking Promises Essay -- Politics Politica
The Promise Trap 28 September 1999 A common complaint about politicians--so common it's a stereotype--is that they break their promises. Audiences hear one thing, the politician seems to do another, and then the complaining begins. This scenario could be the result of miscommunication on the part of the politician or misinterpretation on the part of the audience. But the reality is more complex. Politicians do make promises, although they rarely use the word as the verb and themselves as the subject of the sentence. And audiences do hear promises being made and have a right to expect action if the concept of a promise still creates a bond, or a contract, between the one who promises and the one promised. Listen carefully, and you will hear the politicians running for the various presidential nominations making promises. Often, they will sound/read something like this promise from a recent speech by Steve Forbes: "Under my plan, that money is your money. If you die prematurely, you can leave it to your spouse, to your children, to your grandchildren - tax-free and untouched by the politicians. That's the moral thing to do, and that's the promise of a Forbes Administration." Here Forbes is talking about a plan to create more wealth for retirement. As the quote clearly states, this money would pass from generation to generation tax free. The pronoun "that" at the beginning of the first independent clause of the third sentence refers to the situation of the money passing on tax free--so this passing is the "moral" thing to do. The second "that" in the second independent clause is a tricky because it could refer to the same situation as the first clause, or it could refer a general moral situation that Forbes hopes t... ...ow going in that, in most cases, they cannot deliver specific promises. Yet they promise anyway in roundabout ways meant to create the contract in the minds of the audience while leaving an out when the "unhappy" outcome happens. Austin is clear about what he thinks of situations such as these. As he says: "'I promise' entails 'I ought' say 'I promise' but not to perform the act is parallel to saying both 'it is' and 'it is not.' Just as the purpose of assertion is defeated by an internal contradiction, the purpose of a contract is defeated if we say 'I promise and I ought not'" (51). Black is white. Night is day. Welcome to doublespeak. Works Cited Austin, J. L. How to Do Things With Words. Urmson, J. O. and Marina Sbisa, eds. Harvard UP, Cambridge, MA: 1975. DiClerico, Robert E. The American President. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: 1995.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
International Business Finance Essay
1.Introduction This report is specific for JKX Oil & Gas. She is a petroleum company focusing on exploration and production in countries of the ex Soviet Union and the Ukraine. Her management is considering weather following her competitor expansion into Far East and Oceania. In this report I am going to show analysis in two sections. The first section is analysis on motivation of cross border investment in using FDI and find out the reasons of home countries & host countries encourage company to FDI. The second section is evaluating any key causes of a financial crisis and show how financial crisis affect the international trading. 2.Motivations of using FDI as cross border investment Basically FDI could be divide into three type of motivates they are market-seeking, resource-seeking, and efficiency-seeking (Malllampally and Sauvant 1999). Other than above there are a lot of academics theories, which could explain the motives behind the FDI by enterprises. In these theories I have chosen five theories that is common to be use for explain the motivations of FDI. First is international product life cycle theory (Vernon 1966), every product ought to go thought some stages from a new product to a mature product. In order to take efficient and cost advantages in different stage, production plant move towards foreign. This theory help explain the motive of manufacturing business efficiency-seeking and market-seeking in using FDI but fail to explain reason of using FDI instead of using others methods such as licensing. For example car producer such as Honda, their new car will be firstly starting design and produce in Japan during the new product stage, then shift to USA for listen to the market where have a huge demand and lastly the production will be shift to the East-Asia to produce in order to lower the production cost in the standard product stage. Second is transaction cost theory (Williamson 1993), it stated that when enterprises business is affected by market imperfection, which lead transaction cost increase. They will go international which benefit the efficiency and decrease the transaction cost. Be remind that this theory fail to explain reason of enterprises using FDI instead of using others methods and it is usually apply to manufacturing business efficiency-seeking which products are low in price, heavy, and easily to product in every where. For examples cement manufacturing industry as the raw-material is easy found in every where and easy to product also it is cheap in price and heavy so that firm will be product it locally instead of export it. Third is market imperfection approach, (Hymer 1970) assume that due to market imperfection FDI present. Theory stated that when any factors which lead failure of perfect market. Because of extra cost of cover the barriers, advantage present in foreign countries, and advantages in using FDI over licensing such as full control, unique knowledge, and skill cannot be transferred. Enterprises will do the FDI to achieve profit maximization on their business. This theory help explain the motive of efficiency-seeking in every business by using FDI when they facing market imperfection. Fourth is eclectic theory (Dunning 1993), theory stated that following factors found by enterprise FDI will be present. Firm will get advantage over particular location ownership, the advantage of have location ownership are not by selling or leasing, for the advantage a profit advantage must be gain. This theory help explain the motive of industries using FDI to take advantage of market-seeking and resource-seeking. Fifth is following competitors theory (Knickerbocker 1973), this theory stated that in oligopolies industries firm will follow her competitors to move towards foreign countries. Following competitors in order to reduce the chance monopoly in a new oversea market by her competitor. This theory help explain the motive of oligopolies industries go international for market-seeking But this theory fail to explain the reason of first mover and reason of using FDI to expand other than licensing. Eclectic theory, following competitors theory, and market imperfection approach which help explain why JKX chose to invest internationally with FDI. JKX is focusing on petroleum exploration and production of oil. It is just perfectly apply the eclectic theory because JKX is fully depending on use of local resources oil field. FDI is the only way to gain the resource by takeover the location ownership, and JKX uses the location resource to generate profit by production. Also maybe reason of addition cost on oil production JKX will decide move to other country because of the unique knowledge and skill cannot be transferred JKX need to use FDI to build new production plant. Also exploration and production oil industry in oligopolies. If JXK do not follow her competitors she will lost the potential oil field and her potential customer in new location. Moreover when JKX decides to invest internationally she needs to beware of the following such as economic risks, political risk, exchange rate risk, and cultural risks. 3. FDI impact on nation states Because of FDI bring a lot of advantages to nation states (host & home), nation states attempt to encourage FDI to do so. 3.1Advantage of FDI to host country There are seven advantages of FDI to nation states, which explain why host countres attempt to encourage foreign to do FDI. First is resource transfer effects, FDI by foreign firm bring along with their capital, technology, and management skill to host country. Capital bring alone by FDI is an importance source of stable private external finance for every country especially to developing countries. For example JKX buy an oil field form the host country and invest on the oil drilling equipment and build production plant ,which is a long term investment, profit making though production ,and could not leave easily. Moreover the external finance give a big hand on the balance of payment and foreign exchange reserve which is importance element for the economic health. Technology and Management Skill are another resources bring alone with FDI, which enhance productivity and competitiveness of host country. Both of them are importance elements for success in global market when chance comes. Foreign firm provide training on knowledge and skills on how to produce and management skill to local employee in order to facility the production. These knowledge transfer direct benefits to local labors and enhance productivity and competitiveness of host country. For example in the 90’s computer parts MNCs build production plant in Taiwan by FDI, nowadays Taiwan is be came another computer parts manufacturing kingdom in Asia. Second is employment effect, FDI creating employment for host country. Foreign firms build up their manufacture plant in the host country which increases the employment directly by foreign own plant and relative industry, for example in Mexico FDI create every 1 job in the foreign production plant and create 7 job in the relative industry (Farrell 2004). Also the local trained employees may start their own business. But there will be opposite effect in market-seeking†FDI raise unemployment by forcing less competitive companies out of business as foreign firm will bring along with advance technology reduce employment need in same production, For example Wal-Mart’s entry into the Mexican food Market which decrease the margin of that industry push less competitive companies exit (Farrell 2004). But actually this effect is just base how government manage the FDI for example in the 90’s china government restrict of the sold inside market of foreign firm which protect the local employment would not be substitute. Third economic growth and local multiplier effect, high employment leads more consumption by the local country citizen. As a result encourage industries further develop to fulfill increasing consumer needs; lower prices, better quality, and more selection for consumers. It is because of further developed of the industries, which increase employment, and new products encourage consumer to do more purchase, the cycle will go on and on. Fourth credibility in international market because of demonstration of first mover success, build up a model for the followers others foreign firms will be more confident to FDI to the same country. As followers could learn the first-comer experience, enjoy the effort done by first comer in host country such as infrastructures, educated customers, trained labors, and research done. Also stop the first-mover to become monopoly. In additional the credibility may attract short-term investment others than FDI. For example India starting by the first mover to starting computer software relating industry, nowadays it became another silicon valley in. Fifth access to return markets (Malllampally and Sauvant 1999), as FDI by foreign firm increase accessing international marketing network. The network benefit to transnational systems related industry, domestic firm to getting spillovers foreign business, and wider economic of host counties, by greater the links between foreign and domestic. This also helps spread the enhanced productivity and competitiveness of host countries. Sixth tax revenue from profit (Razin 2002), profit generated by FDI contribute to tax revenues to the host country in general. But some countries may cancel out direct taxes for the MNCs to attract for investment, tax revenues will still be benefit as more consumption in local {Sales Tax} and better income of citizen {Income Tax} Seventh reinvestment within local economy, the credibility of host country established the foreign firm may reinvestment into same country by using the profit earns in there. Moreover host counties encourage foreign firms to do so as foreign firm bring the profit back to their home country may deplete the foreign reserve and the profit earned put back to host country will bring along with new benefit to host country. In additional FDI force host country improve their economic health such as policy system, industry, and better the living standard of the host country by better income, lowing price, improve quality and more selection for customer. 3.2Disadvantage of FDI to host country There are also some bad points together with FDI incoming such as, Adverse effects on local competition due to spending power and brand of MNC, MNCs become an impact on government decision due to the economic power of MNCs, Over exploitation of country mineral wealth etc†¦ 3.3Advantage & Disadvantage of FDI to home country Looking on the surface impact of FDI to home country surely will be lot disadvantages follow by such as negative impact balance of payment and increase unemployment. But why home country will encourage company to do FDI aboard , FDI will benefit the country in such ways, company go aboard may increase the export due to new development demand, MNCs will bring the FDI profit back to home country that benefit the balance of payment, jobs will be create as additional need of support activity represent by FDI aboard. FDI increase the long-term competiiveness by learn from others countries. Home country could benefit from the FDI of the sunset industries to free labor force form the costly and low-value industry. FDI good to host country and long-run good to home country FDI need management and benefit to both MNCs and host government For FDI to be successful it require win-win situation benefit both MNC and Host country, but require a good control in order to manage FDI well. If the management of FDI is done badly which may result in harmful to whole host country’s economic system. On the other hand FDI going aboard not only bring alone with disadvantage to host country in the long-run which may also give a huge benefit to the home country. The following paragraph will be shown both advantages and disadvantages of FDI to nation states 4.Root causes of financial crisis There are many underlying reason which form a financial crises such as excess capital inflow, speculation activities, poor financial infrastructure, monetary policy etc.. all these factors encourage financial crises breakout. The following is a simple flow of twin crises (Kaminsky and Reinhart 1999). Starting form establishes of credibility of a country, foreign investors will start to invest into the country because expectation of return high. When the capital going into the local economic, that increase the economic health, local money supply, economic activity, foreign reserves, and government budget. All these factors increase country credibility and once again increase the attractiveness of capital inflow. The continuous increasing expectation of return will form rational bubble (Blanchard 1979) investors and speculators will holding an overvalued currency but would not sell it yet, they believe there will be a further appreciation on the local currency. Because of more and more capital inflow, banks in the country will facing difficult in generating profit as they have too much cash on hand, the banks will decrease the liquidity ratio lend more money out of the banks which result in increase risky loan, overinvestment, over-consumption, and asset price bubble. Banking crisis will more like to happen when bubble bursts and increasing bad loan. When the Banking Crisis outbreak which decline economic activity, costly fiscal bailout, decline the country credibility and lead capital flight. (Aghevli 1999) Capital outflow, costly fiscal bailout, decline economic activity, and speculation activities fasten decline the foreign reserves that result currency crisis.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A risk that paid off
The greatest and most accomplished men in any age are those who launch out boldly into the unknown, not fearing what the untried paths ahead held in store for them, but believing, even beyond belief, that there was a great prize awaiting them at the end of their endeavors.The journey of life itself is about taking risks and I have never been afraid to press towards my own uncertainties in the hope that the result, though undefined, would either make or break me. There was one considerable risk that I took in my life that turned out to be quite profitable and which has contributed significantly to my development.Some years ago I took on the challenge to invest in some real estate in the hopes that I could reap some financial benefits in either the short or medium run. It was a bit difficult for me deciding to invest my personal resources into purchasing a house that was in need of significant amounts of repairs.When the opportunity presented itself I at first considered that I was not in a very secure financial position at the time that would allow me to recover if I encountered losses as a result of the investment I was contemplating. I weighed the odds and had considerable input from my closest of friends and family in helping me to arrive at a decision.The situation was going to be a challenge to me and I have not been known to back down from a challenge. However, launching out into real estate investment was an uncharted path for me and I therefore feared that things wouldn’t go as well as I desired.In situations like these, when contemplating whether or not to take on risk, Wee and Morse (2007) advise that the equation between the possible successes and failures be weighed carefully. Whatever option I examined in making my decision was a great challenge for me. I feared that if I purchased the property and did the improvements I would end up losing considerably at the end of the day.On the other hand I also feared that this project was the breakt hrough that I have been begging for for so many years and that I would miss out on a wonderful opportunity. It was Collin Powell who had said â€Å"You never know what you can get away with until you try†(as cited in McGowan, 2007, p. 105) and I wasn’t about to miss out on potentially my only chance by shying away from the challenge. Therefore, my reservations aside, I decided to purchase the property.McGowan (2007) suggests that once prudence is exercised in critical risk-taking situations and once proper planning is in place then the prospect of failure, in any endeavor, is significantly minimized. My attack plan with the real estate investment, was therefore to undertake the improvements to the property I purchased at as minimal a cost as possible so that if the returns on sale were not favorable I would not have lost too considerably.In order to ensure that the improvements remained within budget I had to undertake all of the work on my own. The property needed si gnificant amount of work in terms of tiling, painting and landscaping and I undertook these tasks independently. Of course it was taxing on my energy, time and resources to undertake this on my own. However, each day when I saw the improvements I was comforted that my efforts were not being wasted.Gradually I was able to accomplish all the repairs and produced my own work of art. I was really impressed with the way I was able to face up and kept focus on the task during this critical stage of my investment. My motivation was the prospect that the returns I obtained would be considerable and my efforts would not have all been in vain.The long and short of the story is that I was able to double my investment on the property. When I placed the property on the market it was not long before I got calls from eager customers willing to pay me way above what I had initially invested in the project. The improvements I had undertaken really made a significant difference to the point where I w as able to double the money I spent on the property. Indeed the success of my venture proved to me that, according to Wee and Morse (2007), those who are wiling to launch out and try something new, are the ones that achieve in life.Had it not been for this risk-taking activity my life would have been significantly different to date. For me, aside from the financial gains from the investment, the most important benefit of that single venture is being able to take some time off from work and return to college.For some time I had been considering going back to college but given my work situation I knew I would not have been able to afford the tuition and additional costs any time soon. I am where I am today because of the opportunity afforded me by that single venture.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Dreams of Mice and Men essays
The Dreams of Mice and Men essays "No matter how hard you try, you may never achieve your dreams." This shows that in the book, dreams don't tend to come true. In the book, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie, two men, are on a quest to try and achieve their dreams. George and Lennie work on a ranch where they meet others with dreams. However, all the characters soon face the reality that their dreams are never going to come true. Crook's dream to be accepted is ruined as people view him differently because of his skin color. Crooks' dream is to be accepted, to fit in and to not be lonely. One example of Crooks' dream is when Crooks was talking to George and he said, "A guy needs somebody- to be near him. A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody" (69). This proves his dream because he says that a guy goes nuts if he doesn't have anyone. When Crooks refers to "a guy" he really is referring to himself. He is saying that he is lonely and he doesn't like it. That means that his dream is to not be lonely. It also means that he wants to fit in and be accepted because the reason he's lonely is because he is black. So in order to achieve his dream, he can't be black. However, Crooks dream is ruined because he is black and he can't change that. For example, when Crooks is talking to Lennie he says, "S'pose you couldn't go into the bunk house and play rummy cause you was black" (69). This proves that his dream can't come true because he is discriminated against because of his skin color and he is unable to achieve his dream because of this. Because the others won't let him play cards with them, he is unable to fit in and be accepted. In order to fit in, you need to be able to do the same things that others do, like play cards, however he is unable to do that because others won't give him the chance to fit in. Crooks' dream is to be accepted, to fit in and to not be lonely; however, that can't come true because he is black. ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Free sample - Challenges of Women of Color. translation missing
Challenges of Women of Color. Challenges of Women of Colorâ€Å"If you take, for example, the law firm that is white-male-centric and that women, in general, have a difficult time, then women of color will have a more difficult time. There seem tobe more perceptions - either in terms of women of color’s goals, desires, motivations, andin some cases, their abilities - that make it more difficult to navigate workplace andto find people who can appreciate what women of color are doing. We have had a moredifficult time, in terms of getting people to advance women of color†Senior partner, black man Women and people of color generally are considered to face unique challenges in acquiring power and influence in corporations. Thus, the ways in which women succeed in gaining real power at work can be contrasted and compared greatly depending on particular case. Anyway in the modern workplace both men and women got used to sharing the working space, ideas and expectations. The conditions should be equal to everyone. It is no longer surprising that the woman can be promoted to the higher echelon of power in some particular company alongside the male colleagues. According to Muoio: â€Å"In fact, more people in the United States now work for women-owned businesses than for the 500 biggest public companies†(Muoio, 1998). So, why is it so that there is still so very much tension observed between men and women at work? Perhaps, it was set historically and traces back into the past, when it is impossible to ignore a million years of history - in the living room or at the office, no matter. However, females succeeded in acquirement of the power in the working place by means of acting in different natural to them style. â€Å"It’s dangerous to generalize, but there are differences between men and women in management style - not in skills but in style (Muoio, 1998). Indeed, notwithstanding all the bias and stereotypes concerning female work performance and the way they behave, females in many cases even overdid the men. It is important that it is much more difficult to gain recognition for the women of color, even harder than for males of the same color. Gender, alongside sex discrimination are inseparable issues of one and the same problem. â€Å"It’s no secret that women and minorities are underrepresented in the executive ranks of American business. Women hold just 19 percent of senior officer positions in corporate America, while ethnic minorities of both genders hold just 16.7 percent of the top spots – about one leadership position in six†(U.S. Census Data, 2000). More than that, the sources claim that â€Å"even the well informed might be shocked to learn how few women of color have achieved senior executive status in the United States. Though minority women make up 13.4 percent of the U.S. workforce, they hold only 1.6 percent of corporate officer posts at 429 Fortune 500 companies who responded to the survey†(Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2003). Thus, it is obvious that the women of color are deprived of the governing positions in average. Sure thin, there are lucky exceptions, but still they are minor in comparison with the dominance of the white males and females in the same position. It is a very unjust matter of facts of the business life that females of color have more barriers than the white workers to overcome. They are considered to need â€Å"to be attuned to themselves†and the people around them to succeed and be promote. This means first of all using â€Å"emotional intelligence†is essential to find the right leadership or communication style for every situation. The challenged part of the working community – women of color are to obtain the necessary advancement in the companies they are working for. In such a way women of color need to specifically articulate, express their own authentic leadership style and voice. The condition of their success is the need of understanding the political landscape within their organizations and its unwritten rules. In addition, they must keep their own perspectives, ambitions, professional goals and sense of self. Having a mentor – it need not be a woman of color – helps. Having channels of communication to the highest levels and the support of a direct superior is critical. It is wise to note that the women of color who managed to succeed in business are considered to take the ownership particularly for their own advancement. This particularly often begins by personal development crafting plan and sharing it with the management. Most senior executives tend to understand ambitions. Those who are on board, but with management diversity will certainly support career ambitions of the executive, when they combine company goals with personal growth. However, again appealing to the statistics, the majority of surveyed women of color executives when asked about the career prospects were not so optimistic. Many believe that they must move out to move up. â€Å"Census figures confirm that women executives of all colors are leaving the top ranks of American business in droves. They held 32 percent of top jobs in 1990, but only 19 percent of such positions in 2000. This is a dangerous trend†(U.S. Census Data, 2000). Hence, it is obvious that the ways women and people of color generally face unique challenges in acquiring power and influence in corporations. However, there are cases of success. I believe with appropriate social attitude to the following minority and governmental support it is possible to increase the number of people of color on the leading positions in higher national and private structures. Industry has to act in order to create the inclusive corporate cultures and diverse management teams that are needed to lead tomorrow’s organizations to promote women of color to leadership positions, threatens morale, growth and productivity. References Muoio, Anna. Women and Men, Work and Power. January 31, 1998. Analysis of U.S. Census Data by Peopleclick Inc. Share of women and minorities in CEO, CFO, president and vice president positions, 1990 vs. 2000. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2003.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Kubota Lawn Mower with a Weedeater Research Paper
Kubota Lawn Mower with a Weedeater - Research Paper Example A company that was founded in 1890 in Osaka has crossed all limits to carve out a name in this line of business. Today it is not limited to Japan as it has spread wings in Australia, Canada, France, Thailand, the U.K., and the U.S.A. This company deals in utility vehicles to farming products, but the one that makes it stand out is for the Kubota Lawn Mower with a Weedeater. Kubota - Company Overview In general a weed eater is a kind of device that can mow a lawn. It is an apparatus that runs on power and can move backwards as well as forwards. Some of these vehicles come assembled and some need to be assembled with the help of a user manual as provided by the manufacturer. One such manufacturer is Kubota which needs no introduction. In addition to this it should be stated that land mowers by Kubota can be assembled in an effortless manner. A Kubota Lawn Mower with a Weedeater is a user friendly device. It is compact and this is why it can be taken out easily without much of a difficu lty. These mowers run on both diesel and petrol. These are available at different prices because of sizes and its operations (â€Å"Popular Mechanics†, March 1979). What is even better about these land mowers is that, most of them have a bag attached to the mowers. It needs to be cleaned and one can even use as an organic manure to fertilize their lawns. It could be done by mulching the contents and some high end mowers have such blades that can be used for mulching. It is quite evident that these mowers have features that can make anyone with a passion for gardening go weak in the knees. So owners if this kind of a land mower can move it in a trouble-free way. This is means using these mowers are not that demanding as they do not need much an attention. Advanced technology makes the execution better and more accurate. All this makes Kubota Lawn Mower with a Weedeater a must have for those who really love their lawns and gardens. This kind of mowing can give a garden an insta nt makeover. Pricing Strategies: If I would have to choose a pricing strategy then I will certainly choose to Price Discounts and allowances Pricing Strategy. Fixing the price of our product following this strategy has immense benefits and it attracts customers as well. While driven with careful and skilled professionals, discounting can be quite helpful establishing the product in the market and creating value. The Logic behind It Today, the market is full of competitors and if we have to cut our share then there might be something strategic and logically beneficial for the customers and discounts on purchasing is the best way to achieve this goal. It has made the discounting a prevailing trend in the market and I would like to go with this trend while setting the price of my own product. But there might be an undercover strategy behind the discounting. Means there should have to be a definite goal that might be achieved when you are offering the discounts on your products. Long Te rm Profit Sticking with discounting pricing strategy offers a long term profit. If someone needs to make quick funds then this strategy is not for his/her company. When you are offering discounts then it means that the sell and utilization of your product will increase. And it will increase the market share as well as goodwill amongst the customers. Once a definite market share achieved, I will gradually
Friday, November 1, 2019
Answer the questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Answer the questions - Essay Example The Thirteenth Amendment, adopted on the 6th of December, 1865, abolished slavery and involuntary servitude except on a special scenario when such was done as punishment for criminal activities while the Fourteenth Amendment, adopted on the 9th of July, 1868, addressed rights of US citizens and protection of the laws at an equal level of the citizens (Linder). Justified by a 1890 state of Louisiana law of Separate Car Act under the US’s numerous state laws that championed racial segregation under a policy of â€Å"separate but equal†, Homer Plessy was arrested and tried for an act of violation of the stated law. Plessy’s act of defiance happened when he boarded a ‘whites only’ railroad car instead of the ‘blacks only’ railroad car. Plessy was of mixed race and was categorized as colored under the current state laws. The ruling made in 1892 in Orleans Parish under John Howard Ferguson, the presiding judge, upheld Plessy’s convictio n that violated Louisiana’s state laws and charged him with a $25 fine. Subsequent rulings after Plessy’s writ of prohibition by the Supreme Court of Louisiana and the United States Supreme Court upheld Ferguson’s ruling (Linder). Plessy vs. ... There was need then for the laws to be amended in order to ensure adherence to the Thirteenth and Fourteenth amendments that many violated, US citizens felt were disregarded. The state of Tennessee vs. John scopes The state of Tennessee vs. John scopes was a landmark case in the US that happened in 1925 in the state of Tennessee. The trial was of significance as it pointed out the right to liberty of association and knowledge, especially on matters concerning spirituality, after the enactment of the Butler Act in Tennessee that prohibited teaching of the evolution theory in educational institutions within the state (Linder). On the 7th of May, 1925, John scopes was arrested for defying Butler’s Act for teaching the theory of evolution. Given American Civil Liberties Union’s commitment to protect any person that would be brought to trial for defying Butler’s Act, it utilized the services of Clarence Darrow, an exceptional and experienced criminal defense attorney back then to defend Scope. Despite exemplary defense by the attorney and a weak performance by Bryan, the prosecutor, the obvious discrimination right from the religiously pious judge led to a charge of guilt to Scope, with a fine of $100. An appeal to the state supreme court reversed the previous charge and granted ACLU and Scope victory (Linder). The outcomes of the case after appeal was an offset of the liberties that US citizens gained in religious alignment. After the trial, it was reported that a total of 22 cases in different other states shared the same fate and the laws defining the Bible as the main book for truths for the US citizens were eased to accommodate more religious liberty and affiliation to either the scientific teachings
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