Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Promote Organisational Creativity And Innovation In Microsoft Corp
Question: Envision an association that you try to work for after your graduation (my picked association would be Microsoft). The association has chosen to enlist an alumni to help the advancement of imagination and development in expectation that they can profit by the utilization of information and aptitudes increased through your ongoing examinations. You have been effective in the beginning periods of the choice procedure and are presently through to the last stages. The pay is profoundly serious yet rivalry is furious and you are quick to prevail with regards to making sure about the activity. The test is to address the inquiries beneath: 1. Drawing on crafted by compelling givers on atmosphere for imagination and development for what reason is inherent inspiration vital to supporting and continuing innovativeness and advancement? 2. By what method may Human Resource Management and Development bolster imagination and advancement? Your proposals should draw on atmosphere models and you should be imaginative in the thoughts that you propose. Recollect that opposition is wild and you should dazzle to prevail with regards to making sure about the activity. Answer: 1.0 Introduction: 1.1 Context Microsoft Corp is better perceived as the new age mechanical innovator and the association that helped the general public recognize and adjust to the specialized changes occurring in the worldwide condition (Ander and Kapoor, 2010). Microsoft Corp is one of the top most brands in the business portion and furthermore an innovator in the innovation division. Headquartered in Redmond, USA, Microsoft has consistently attempted to be the first in acquainting innovative development with the general population (Microsoft, 2014). The vision of the organization is to support associations and individual perceive their maximum capacity in setting of innovative help and development. The organization was established in the year 1975 by Paul Allen and Bill Gates (Microsoft, 2014). From that point forward, Microsoft Corp has continually advanced itself and picked up the top situation in the corporate business. With more than 128000 representatives working everywhere throughout the world in different auxiliaries and accomplices of the organization, Microsoft has guaranteed that their clients are not left unattended (Microsoft, 2014). The hierarchical structure of Microsoft has been created in arrangement with their vital destinations and the mind boggling work culture of the firm. The operational structure of the organization is altered to suit the necessities of the representatives just as the administrative group. The top authority has been planned as per the various leveled structure anyway the operational work structure is like the lattice model. The accomplishment of the organization can likewise be recognized from their money related execution as they contacte d $86.83 billion in incomes in the year 2014 (Microsoft, 2014). 1.2 Necessity of improving inventiveness and advancement In the contemporary situation, rivalry and innovation are the main thrusts in the corporate division (Chesbrough, 2009). The business forms are attempting to continue in this serious environment by creating economical practices and advancing new business the board and arranging systems. As indicated by Kossek et al. (2007), the innovation has changed the procedure of business activities and furthermore helped in strengthening the opposition inside the business. In view of this announcement, it very well may be seen that the requirement for development and inventiveness have expanded in the innovative section. An extra proof that underpins the prerequisites for imagination and development is the expanding utilization of innovative items among the buyer base (Hurson, 2007). Shoppers are adjusting to the innovative changes in a quick way and this has additionally upgraded their requirement for utilizing better and improved innovation. For example, Smart Phones were propelled not so much as 10 years back and today it is one of the necessities of life (Wiki Invest, 2009). The model saw in Wiki Invest (2009) additionally implements the requirement for the innovation firms to remain in front of rivalry and routinely satisfy the necessities of their clients. In setting of Microsoft, it tends to be expressed that associations, for example, Google and Apple are being recorded over the concerned organization considering their image worth and request of items and administrations among the purchasers. This features the criticalness for Microsoft to participate in a vital maintainability process which will lengthen and improve the development and inventiveness among its workers. 2.0 Application and examination: 2.1 Interactionsist Model The interactionist model was created by Woodman for characterizing and recognizing the wound of innovativeness in different work forms inside an association (OShea and Buckley, 2007). The interactionist model spotlights on inventiveness in three distinctive authoritative sections to be specific, individual, group and association (Woodman, 1993). The interactionist model not just spotlights on the qualities of these three gatherings yet additionally features the relationship and impact of every one of these gatherings on one another. For example, the authoritative trademark, for example, culture impacts the work structure and the presentation of a group which thusly impacts an individual (Shalley, Zhou and Oldham, 2004). The inventive conduct of all these three gatherings alongside the circumstance produced for innovativeness brings about the general imagination inside an association. Concentrating looking into it of Microsoft, the inner culture of the association has experienced an immense change in the year 2008-09 (MacLeod and Clarke, 2009). The much discussed and censured stack positioning execution checking arrangement of the organization was evacuated for rousing the workers to perform better. This change was acknowledged by the representative base which permitted more space to work in an imaginative air instead of the serious condition. The current authoritative culture is centered around esteem expansion in each utilitarian part of the business by inserting quality and advancement (Price, 2007). Notwithstanding, the adjustments in the operational procedure and work culture of the association have made a few obstructions to inventiveness and development. The prerequisites for the business are yet ending up being unreasonably high for Microsoft and they are battling in their center fragments, for example, in web index and program portions. Moreover, the key result of Microsoft Windows Operation Systems for PCs, PCs, versatile and different gadgets has not been redesigned by the inclination of the purchasers since the dispatch of Windows 2007 (Jassowalla and Soshittal, 2009). These components imply the requirement for development and inventiveness inside the work structure of the organization. 2.2 Climate Theories Innovativeness and development are frequently considered as one viewpoint or an auxiliary idea of each other (Prajogo and Sohal, 2008). In any case, both development and inventiveness are diverse mental parts of an individual which prompts the idea of a person to think and perform past the normal creative mind (Bates and Khasawneh, 2007). The climatic speculations are additionally evolved on this idea and mirror the factors which trigger inventiveness inside an individual, group or an association. Amabiles Keys are additionally produced for recognizing the procedure which helps in advancing an inventive and creative work culture. This model for the most part centers around the social part of a firm which can be utilized for dealing with the work procedure and coordinating the presentation of the representatives in the ideal way (Lau and Ngo, 2007). So as to actualize the Amables Keys in Microsoft, it must be seen that the business culture of Microsoft is run in a decentralized way and incorporates a tremendous workforce. As referenced over, the work culture and structure of Microsoft has been changed as of late, the representatives are now confronting a changing situation which is affecting their efficiency (Tellis, Prabhu and Chandy, 2009). In such a circumstance, Microsoft can feature the five key factors of Amabiles Keys that are consolation of imagination, self-sufficiency or opportunity, assets, pressure and authoritative fixings to innovativeness to their workforce which will go about as a rousing variable and furthermore help the administration of the organization to plan the necessary work arrangement. 2.3 Promoting imagination and advancement 2.3.1 HRM As opined by Pokien (2006), the job of human asset division has changed after some time and has become a characteristic part of hierarchical development and advancement. The human asset division of an organization isn't just answerable for building up the workforce yet in addition guarantees that the presentation of the representative base of an organization is as per the authoritative destinations of the firm (Proctor, 2010). Further investigation of this thought mirrors that operational angles, for example, execution checking and execution estimation are likewise being remembered for the HRM exercises. In setting of inventiveness and advancement, it has been seen that both these presentation factors need inspiration, prize, consolation and backing from the association. Inherent inspiration is one such part of HRM that helps in improving innovativeness among the representatives (Taylor and Callahan, 2005). The inspirational procedure can be started with the assistance of remunerations or other evaluation forms however devotion and a self committed nature advances the desire for performing over the normal (Jassowalla and Soshittal, 2009). This notion can be utilized to characterize the anxiety of culture and HRM in the advancement of imaginative and creative culture inside an association. For example, as referenced the stack positioning procedure of execution checking utilized in Microsoft had expanded the profitability of the organization immediately however it likewise expanded the activity disappointment among the workforce (OShea and Buckley, 2007). The worker turnover expanded a nd execution diminished for Microsoft. Then again, the adjustment in nature of work has helped the organization recover its past status in the tech
Saturday, August 22, 2020
US Government Study Guide to the Legislative Branch
US Government Study Guide to the Legislative Branch Before any bill is even bantered by the full enrollment of the House or Senate, it should first effectively advance theâ congressional advisory group framework. Contingent upon its subject and substance, each proposed bill is sent to at least one related advisory groups. For instance, a bill presented in the House dispensing government assets for horticultural research may be sent to the Agriculture, Appropriations, Ways and Means and Budget Committees, in addition to others as esteemed fitting by the Speaker of the House. What's more, both the House and Senate may likewise name uncommon select boards of trustees to consider charges identifying with explicit issues.Representatives and Senators frequently attempt to be relegated to advisory groups they feel best to serve the interests of their constituents. For instance, an agent from a cultivating state like Iowa may look for task to the House Agriculture Committee. All agents and congresspersons are doled out to at least one boards of trustees and may serve on an assortment of advisory groups during their terms in office. Theâ congressional council systemâ is the graveyard for some bills. The US House of Representatives Known as the lower place of the authoritative branch, the House of Representatives as of now has 435 individuals. Every part gets one decision on all bills, corrections and different measures brought before the House. The quantity of agents chose from each state is dictated by the states populace through the procedure of allotment. Each state must have at any rate one delegate. Allotment is recalculated at regular intervals as indicated by the consequences of the decennial U.S. evaluation. Individuals from the House speak to the residents of their nearby congressional regions. Delegates serve two-year terms, with decisions held like clockwork. Capabilities As determined in Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, delegates: Must be least 25 years of ageMust have been a U.S. resident for in any event 7 yearsMust be a legitimate occupant of the state the person is chosen to speak to Forces Reserved to the House To decide on charges of impeachmentTo start bills including the raising of income, for example, charge bills and the yearly apportionments (spending) bills of the yearly government financial plan House Leadership Speaker of the HouseMajority LeaderLeads the greater part party (the gathering with most of votes in the House)Assists the Speaker of the House in making board of trustees appointmentsSchedules floor banter on billsCreates and keeps up the House agendaMinority LeaderLeads the resistance (the gathering with the minority of votes in the House)Confers with the Majority LeaderFormulates minority party reaction to the lion's share party arrangement and plan The US Senate Known as the upper place of the administrative branch, the Senate is right now contained 100 legislators. Each state is permitted to choose two legislators. Legislators speak to all residents of their states. Representatives serve 6-year terms, with 33% of the legislators chose at regular intervals. Capabilities As determined in Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution, representatives: Must be in any event 30 years of ageMust have been a U.S. resident for in any event nine years at the hour of their political race to the SenateMust be a legitimate inhabitant of the state they are chosen to speak to Forces Reserved to the Senate To attempt authorities impugned by the HouseTo affirm presidential designations, including Supreme Court judges, government judges, ministers and bureau secretariesTo endorse settlements Senate Leadership The Vice President of the United States: Serves as president (managing administrator) of the SenatePresident Pro tempore: Presides over the Senate without the VP; Is chosen by the greater part partyMajority and Minority Leaders: Lead their particular gathering appointments; keep up the Senate agendaMajority and Minority Whips: Attempt to ensure party individuals vote in favor of bills upheld by their gathering.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Set of Headphones for University
Set of Headphones for University Why You Need a Good Set of Headphones for University Home›Informative Posts›Why You Need a Good Set of Headphones for University Informative PostsWhen packing for university, one of the most important things you need to take is a pair of quality headphones. You might not need them while still at home, but when you’re thrown in a noisy student environment, you’ll find headphones absolutely necessary.Here are some reasons why you should invest in a pair of headphonesAnd a few suggestions about which ones you should consider getting.Avoiding noiseLiving with other young people, you’ll often find yourself in a situation when you just want to get away from all the noise. Unfortunately, you can’t always do it literally. Then a pair of headphones comes in handy. The noise canceling ones are a true savior if your roommate has a loud company, if you want to concentrate on studying or just isolate yourself from all the hustle.Not making noiseAnother example of headphones usage is opposite to the previous one. Just as you don’t want your roommates to make extra noise, they expect the same from you. If you want to listen to music, watch a movie or face time your boyfriend, respect others’ space and put on headphones. You can also use them on public transport or in the library not to disturb others. We think these reasons have convinced you that good headphones are one of the most essential items for the university. Now, let’s look into some options of headphones you should consider buying.House of MarleyThe brand House of Marley stands out from all other headphones because they care about both quality of their work and environment alike. All headphones are produced by environment-friendly techniques and using recycled materials, including wood, steel, and leather. In the end, you get a high-quality set of headphones that you can be sure won’t damage our already suffering mother Earth.One of the types of House of Marley headphones that we would especia lly recommend is Liberate on-ear headphones. Even though they come in an inconspicuous brown box made of recycled paper, the design of headphones themselves screams high quality.DesignLiberate headphones come in three different colors so you’ll definitely be able to find the perfect match for you. They don’t weigh much and sit on your head snugly. Made only from organic materials, they will become a subject of envy of all the students.PerformanceSince every set of headphones is made with dedication, the result will live up to your expectations. House of Marley headphones are perfect for any genre of music and won’t kill the quality of sound with some extra volume or extra bass. In addition, they work perfectly with Apple products. We hope this information has convinced you to invest in a set of headphones, possible House of Marley ones. They are eco-friendly, stylish and above all, well-functioning. They are not in the cheap range so you’ll have to save a bit for them, but h aving a set of great headphones will pay off on many occasions.
Set of Headphones for University
Set of Headphones for University Why You Need a Good Set of Headphones for University Home›Informative Posts›Why You Need a Good Set of Headphones for University Informative PostsWhen packing for university, one of the most important things you need to take is a pair of quality headphones. You might not need them while still at home, but when you’re thrown in a noisy student environment, you’ll find headphones absolutely necessary.Here are some reasons why you should invest in a pair of headphonesAnd a few suggestions about which ones you should consider getting.Avoiding noiseLiving with other young people, you’ll often find yourself in a situation when you just want to get away from all the noise. Unfortunately, you can’t always do it literally. Then a pair of headphones comes in handy. The noise canceling ones are a true savior if your roommate has a loud company, if you want to concentrate on studying or just isolate yourself from all the hustle.Not making noiseAnother example of headphones usage is opposite to the previous one. Just as you don’t want your roommates to make extra noise, they expect the same from you. If you want to listen to music, watch a movie or face time your boyfriend, respect others’ space and put on headphones. You can also use them on public transport or in the library not to disturb others. We think these reasons have convinced you that good headphones are one of the most essential items for the university. Now, let’s look into some options of headphones you should consider buying.House of MarleyThe brand House of Marley stands out from all other headphones because they care about both quality of their work and environment alike. All headphones are produced by environment-friendly techniques and using recycled materials, including wood, steel, and leather. In the end, you get a high-quality set of headphones that you can be sure won’t damage our already suffering mother Earth.One of the types of House of Marley headphones that we would especia lly recommend is Liberate on-ear headphones. Even though they come in an inconspicuous brown box made of recycled paper, the design of headphones themselves screams high quality.DesignLiberate headphones come in three different colors so you’ll definitely be able to find the perfect match for you. They don’t weigh much and sit on your head snugly. Made only from organic materials, they will become a subject of envy of all the students.PerformanceSince every set of headphones is made with dedication, the result will live up to your expectations. House of Marley headphones are perfect for any genre of music and won’t kill the quality of sound with some extra volume or extra bass. In addition, they work perfectly with Apple products. We hope this information has convinced you to invest in a set of headphones, possible House of Marley ones. They are eco-friendly, stylish and above all, well-functioning. They are not in the cheap range so you’ll have to save a bit for them, but h aving a set of great headphones will pay off on many occasions.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Walt Disney and Paramount Pictures Free Essays
The Dragonslayer is a Walt Disney and Paramount Pictures film that was shown on 1981. The story was basically about a dragon that was called as Vermitrax Pejorative which was destroying the kingdom of Urland with its fiery breath. In order to please this dragon, the king ordered a group of warriors to have an expedition to find someone who has the capacity to destroy this creature. We will write a custom essay sample on Walt Disney and Paramount Pictures or any similar topic only for you Order Now The expedition was led by Valerian and their objective is to find a wizard in the name of Ulrich of Cragonmoor. However, Ulrich died upon an accidental mishap that happened because he wants to prove his power to Tyrian, a knight of the kingdom. Upon his death, his â€Å"inexperienced apprentice†has assumed to take his place. This apprentice was Galen Bradwarden who was an orphan which has magical powers sealed inside of him by Ulrich himself in able to protect him when he was still young. The story revolves on the adventures and misadventures of this young apprentice in order to save not only the whole kingdom but his pride as well. It also expresses a bit of dramatic and romantic unfolding and discovery of Galen’s personal strengths and abilities. As a hero he tried to rescue the whole kingdom all by himself without thinking about the circumstances that it may bring, however the story have shown how he have grown into becoming a man that thinks about the future and not merely of how to impress the people around him. The portrayal of this can be seen in the part wherein he tried his best to rescue the princess but failed to do so. Also, he grows with enough patience and dedication to accomplish his mission or his objective with a distinct trust to his guts and personal will. The perspective of the storyteller affects this story with regards to how the emotions and clarification of scenes would be relayed. As for the way that the characters would speak and how their intentions would reveal in the story would depend upon how the story teller have perceived or have understood the story as a whole. The storyteller is the one who is responsible in shaping the imagination of the listeners of the story as to what the characters looks like and how they act and react in the scenes in the story. The storyteller as a whole acts merely as guide in understanding the theme and the supposedly response and kind of thinking of the characters in the story. The storyteller is also the one who is responsible in unveiling the different facts and settings that should be incorporated in the minds of the receiver in order to fully appreciate the whole story. At the end of the story, there was an implication that everything that had happened was all planned by the great sorcerer Ulrich in able to reveal or at least help Galen discover his potentials. It also shows that the great sorcerer have used Galen in order to destroy the Dragon because it is a mission that he cannot deal with by his self. It was an irony because all along the receiver would think that it was all Galen’s enthusiasm and yet at the end, everything was planned in the start. References: Robbins, Mathew. 1981. Dragonslayer. Walt Disney and Paramount Pictures. How to cite Walt Disney and Paramount Pictures, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Secular Studies in Jewish Law free essay sample
A Halakhic analysis of the permissibility of secular studies within the confines of traditional Jewish law. This paper is a survey of sources in Jewish law from the earliest to the most modern on the topic of secular studies. Throughout the generations, there has been a serious legal debate as to the permissibility of the study of secular knowledge within the confines of traditional Jewish law (halakhah). The paper makes no judgment on either side. It is only a presentation of the sources and an analysis of the various opposing viewpoints on the issue. Earliest sources are from the Bible, latest sources from the 20th century. For the modern Jew, the most engaging problem within Jewish law is, ironically, the question of what is not Jewish law, namely, secular knowledge and philosophy. The study of subjects such as mathematics, the sciences, the liberal arts, and the various trades and vocations, is indeed a challenging notion, given the understanding that the Torah (Old Testament) is the blueprint for all human behavior, and that its study is equal in importance and reward to all of the other precepts combined. We will write a custom essay sample on Secular Studies in Jewish Law or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page [1] The Torah, in fact, seems to issue a formal warning against secular studies: This book of law [Torah] shall not depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate therein day and night-the study of Torah must be constant, leaving no time for other intellectual pursuits.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
The Great Hero Luke Skywalker Essay Example For Students
The Great Hero Luke Skywalker Essay Joseph Campbell’s perception of a hero’s journey begins with a primary series of steps called the Adventure of the Hero. Many narrative heroes use all or many of these steps. One particular character is Luke Skywalker from Star Wars. In his journey to become a Jedi he goes through these initial stages. Luke Skywalker lives with his Aunt and Uncle on a farm. Luke wants to be a pilot but his uncle has been holding him back from joining the academy so that Luke can help out on the farm. In order to get enough hands to compensate for Luke’s departure they must purchase droids to work on the farm. This is where he meets R2-D2, a droid that the family purchases from some space creatures called the Jowas. R2-D2 contains a message from a women name Princess Leia. In the message, she is addressing a man named Obi-wan Kenobi. Luke figures that she means Ben Kenobi who is an old man that lives on Luke’s planet. Luke decides that he will go later to look for Ben and figure out what the message is about. We will write a custom essay on The Great Hero Luke Skywalker specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now However, R2-D2 is determined to find Obi-wan Kenobi as soon as possible and ends up leaving in the night to find him. Luke finds the droid the next day but is unfortunately attacked by savage creatures called the Sand People. They prepare to kill him but he is saved by Ben Kenobi who happens to be passing by. Ben listens to the message that R2-D2 is holding and informs Luke that he is going to find Princess Leia and he wants Luke to help him. At this moment, the first step of Campbell’s journey of a hero takes place, called the Call to Adventure. Here, Luke is faced with the choice of whether to join Ben Kenobi on his quest to save Princess Leia or stay on the farm to help his uncle. Luke has never been anywhere else but his farm. He has no knowledge of the outside would and by leaving his farm he would be heading into the unknown. Knowing this, Luke declines Ben’s offer. This is where the next step takes place called, Refusal of Call. Luke turns down Ben’s proposal because he is unfamiliar with the outside world and he is needed by his uncle on the farm. The next step in Campbell’s journey of a hero is called Supernatural Aid. The supernatural aid is clearly Ben Kenobi. Ben was once part of a group called the Jedi Masters who are known to be able to use the mystical power called the Force. They can use this power to see things without their eyes, move objects and even control people’s minds. Ben demonstrates this when they are stopped by Imperial Soldiers. In order to get past them he targets the leader of them and controls his mind. Another aspect of this step is a giving of a gift or relic from the supernatural character to the hero. In this case, it is the light saber. The Jedi Masters are known for using light sabers which are a beam like sword that can cut through almost anything. This light saber will aid Luke on the rest of his journey. The next step that is supposed to happen is called Crossing the Threshold. Unfortunately, when Luke returns home he discovers that his family has been murdered. He decides to go back to Ben and join him on his quest. He has no obligations now and he is quite curious about the outside world and who Princess Leia is. The final stage is called the Belly of the Whale. .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0 , .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0 .postImageUrl , .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0 , .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0:hover , .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0:visited , .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0:active { border:0!important; } .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0:active , .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0 .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4a3ff2ebb5314c45b48584a9ba349ff0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Matrix - review EssayThis stage occurs when Luke is in a space station called the Death Star. Ben tells him to stay there while he finds a way to get them out. Luke has not shown any acts of heroism at this point and it fits his personality for him to agree to stay hidden and not get himself into trouble. However, once he finds out that Princess Leia is being held somewhere in the station he immediately decides to go save her. At this moment, he has started to go through a transformation in his personality. He would never have agreed to do something so bold before he started this journey. He has allowed himself to change.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
The Battle of Old vs. New essays
The Battle of Old vs. New essays Research is a form of hands-on learning, accessible to anyone. Actors, for example, benefit from research. In order to play the intended role more accurately, actors research the context surrounding the dispositions of the role at hand. Whether it is the life of a famous painter or the life of a prostitute, the information is easily retrieved. In addition students use research daily, not only when writing papers for class, but also when completing a reading assignment. For example, if an unfamiliar concept is mentioned, research could be done to facilitate understanding of the reading. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, newspapers, and now the Internet are all different means for research. Of these, online encyclopedias are the most modern means of research, providing faster access to more accurate information at a convenience to the researcher rather than regular encyclopedias that often have not been revised in years. Initially, the library has always been the predominant source for information on any subject. Encyclopedias, the most widespread type of tangible research, contain information on virtually every topic. All the information is listed in alphabetical order, followed by the historical significance of that particular topic. They are updated yearly in order to alter misinformation or to add any recent history. Libraries contain a myriad of distinct encyclopedias: thus, providing the researcher with a multitude of facts on the same topic as well as any pertinent historical information. Unlike a regular encyclopedia, an online encyclopedia is a faster way of searching for information. By simply typing in a word related to the topic of interest, a variety of associated topics appear. This allows the researcher to quickly decide in which direction he/she will be headed. Online encyclopedias are also more convenient to the researcher. If the only time research can be done is late at night or early in the morning, the online encyc...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Designing Interventions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Designing Interventions - Essay Example Short term strategies should be dependent on management in its implementation whereas long term strategies should be dependant on external experts for implementation. Finally, it was realized that the intervention might in the short while bring some hardship on the economic fortunes of the company but in the long term there shall be productive benefits to be enjoyed by the company. The search for development in the midst of problems and challenges such as the one described faced by the organization is a whole system that demands carefully delivered models and processes to overturn. It is in this direction that the application of organizational development process skills by the executives of the organization becomes very necessary. As noted by the Office of State Personnel, North Carolina (2008), â€Å"the organizational development process is based on the action research model which begins with an identified problem or need for change.†This means a variety of skills that includes, assessment, planning, implementing the intervention, gathering data to evaluate the intervention, and determining if satisfactory progress has been made or if there is need for further intervention must all be used (Office of State Personnel, North Carolina, 2008 ). In brief, the executives of the organization must be on a search for a suitable intervention that addresses all aspects of the identified problem without leaving marginalized implications to the organization. The various stages and skills that need to be exhibited in this quest have been illustrated below. The intervention, or otherwise referred to as change strategy to be developed through the stages and skills discussed above need to be executed through short-term and long-term approaches. These long term and short term approaches can be summed up in two major forms of change strategies namely
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
You can decide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
You can decide - Essay Example fected the atmosphere surrounding the hoax, as with the discovery of fossils found in countries like Germany and France, and the recent publishing of Darwin’s theory of evolution kept scientists very curious to see what new fossil regarding man’s existence would suffice. 8. Woodward was an eminent geologist who accompanied Dawson to Piltdown town in order to visit the site where the fossil skull was found. They dug the site where the skull was found and found the remains of prehistoric animals, stone age tools and an ape-like jaw bone with human-like teeth that seemed to link to the skull that was initially found at the site. 11. The significance of the canine tooth that was found was to eliminate all forms of doubt that came with the reconstruction of the ancient skull by Woodward. If the canine matched its size in accordance with the jaw that was found, Smith would be able to endorse his predictions. 12. The second Piltdown man was found just two miles from where the first Piltdown man was found and was discovered by Dawson. The second find was very significant as it acted as proof of the first finding and also helped enforce how genuine the first find was. 13. Kenneth Oakley was a scientist working at London’s Natural History Museum. Kenneth was the man who applied chemical tests on the fossils so as to help authenticate and date the fossils and whose test rendered the fossils as fake as they were much younger than was expected. 14. The jaw and the canine tooth were believed to have been forged. The jaw was believed to have maybe been an orangutan’s and the teeth had simply been filed flat so as to disguise them, and the canine tooth appeared to have been crudely filed in a hurry and colored with paint. 15. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle passed by the digging site where the fossils were discovered while on his golfing rounds, and the possibility of him planting some of the fossils that were found acted as evidence of his involvement in
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Direct Bald On Record Strategy English Language Essay
The Direct Bald On Record Strategy English Language Essay According to Brown and Levinson(1978: 74), bald on record strategy is a direct way of saying things, without any minimisation to the imposition, in a direct, clear, unambiguous and concise way, for example Do X!. Brown and Levinson (1987) claim that the primary reason for bald on record usage may be generally stated as whenever the speaker wants to do FTA with maximum efficiency more than s/he wants to satisfy hearers face, even to any degree, s/he will choose the bald on record strategy. There are different kinds of bald on record usage in different circumstances. This is because the speaker can have different motives for her/his wants to do the FTA with minimum efficiency. The motives fall into two classes; one is where the face threat is not minimised and therefore ignored or irrelevant, and the other is where in doing the FTA baldly on record, the speaker minimises face threats by implication. Brown and Levinson (1978: 100) give an example of bald on record strategy and say that direct imperatives are clear examples of bald on record usage. Imperatives are often softened with hedges or conventional politeness markers, e.g., Please send us the offers. Verb do is used with imperatives, like in Do call us. While what BL call bald on record strategies might simply involve the Gricean maxims, politeness strategies, in contrast, would involve violating the maxims in specific way. Positive politeness The positive politeness is usually seen in groups of friends, or where people of given social situation know each other fairly well. It usually tries to minimize the distance between them by expressing friendliness and solid interest in the hearers need to be expected (minimize FTA). Unlike negative politeness, positive politeness is not necessarily re-dressive of the particular face infringed by the FTA. According to Brown and Levinson (1978: 106), positive politeness is redress directed to the addressees positive face, his/her perennial desire to the his/her wants or actions acquisitions, values resulting from them -should be thought of as desirable. Furthermore, they describe that the redress consists in partially satisfying that desire that ones own wants or some of them are in some respects similar to the addressees wants. BL also note that unlike negative politeness, positive politeness is not necessarily redressive of the particular face want infringe by the FTA. In other words, in positive politeness, the sphere of redress is widened to the appreciation of alters wants in general or to the expression of similarity between egos and alters wants . . . .the linguistic realizations of positive politeness are in many respects simply representative of the normal linguistic behaviour between intimates, where interest and approval of each others personality, presuppositions indicating shared wants and shared knowledge, implicit claims to reciprocity of obligations or to reflexivity of wants, etc. Are routinely exchanged. Perhaps the only feature that distinguishes positive politeness redress from normal everyday intimate language behaviour is an element of exaggeration; this serves as a marker of the face-redress aspect of positive politeness expression by indicating that even S cant with total sincerity say I want your wants he can at least sincerely indicate I want your positive face to be satisfied Brown and Levinson (1978: 106) BL add the element of insincerity in exaggerated expressions of approval or interest is compensating for by the implication that the speaker sincerely wants positive face to be enhanced. This perspective of intimacy is interesting when considering articles in economic journals between authors and audiences are not usually very intimate and if they were, intimacy would be disregard while giving scientific claims. In this sense, it could be expected that not many strategies of positive politeness would be used or rarely used in the articles of economic journals. BL also explain that the association with intimate language usage gives the linguistic of positive politeness its redressive force. They claim that positive politeness utterances are used as kind of metaphorical extensions of intimacy, to imply common ground or sharing of wants to a limited extension of intimacy, and also to imply common ground or sharing of wants to a limited extent even between strangers who perceive themselv es for the purposes of the interaction as somehow similar. This is true when considering economic articles; in fact, sometimes authors and audiences (esoteric) have similar knowledge in general or purpose in common. BL also point out that the positive politeness techniques are usable not only for FTA redress but in general as a kind of accelerator, where S, in using them, indicates he wants to come closer to H or audiences. In addition, BL divide positive politeness into three strategies, namely claiming the common ground, conveying that sender and receiver are co-operators and fulfilling receivers want. Negative Politeness When Brown and Levinson define negative politeness, they say that it is a redressive action addressed to the addressees negative face, that is the addressees wants to have freedom of action unhindered and addressees attention unimpeded. They also point out that negative politeness is the heart of respective behaviour, just as positive politeness is the kernel of familiar and joking behaviour. Negative politeness corresponds to the rituals of avoidance. Where positive politeness is free-ranging, negative politeness is specific and focused; it performs the function of minimizing the particular imposition that the FTA gives unavoidable effects. Furthermore, BL also stress the difference among them, that negative politeness is the kind of politeness used between acquaintances whereas positive politeness is used between closer friends. Negative politeness is the most elaborate and the most conventionalized set of linguistic strategies for FTA redress; it fills the etiquette books although positive politeness also gets some attention. Furthermore, according to BL (1987: 135), the linguistic realization of negative politeness, conventional indirectness, hedges on illocutionary force, polite pessimism, and the emphasis on hearers relative power are very familiar and need no introduction. In addition, BL say that the negative politeness outputs in all forms are used in general for social distancing. Therefore, they are likely to be used whenever a speaker or a sender wants to put a social brake on the course of interaction. There are five main categories as the linguistic realization of negative politeness by BL, namely communicating senders want not to impinge the receiver, not coercing receiver, not presuming/assuming, being (conventionally in) direct and redressing receivers wants. Off Record Brown and Levinsons (1978:216) define off record strategy as a communicative act which is done in such a way that is not possible to attribute one clear communicative intention to the act. In this case, the actor leaves her/himself an out by providing her/himself with a number of defensible interpretations. S/he cannot be held to have committed her/himself to just one particular interpretation of her/his act. In other words, BL claim, the actor leaves it up to the addressee to decide how to interpret the act. Off record utterances are essential in indirect use of language. One says something that is rather general. In this case, the hearer must make some inference to recover what was intended. For example, if somebody says It is hot in here, the hidden meaning of the utterance can be a request to open the window or to switch on the air conditioner. Furthermore, BL (1978: 230-232), list inviting conversational implicatures as one of the main strategies of off record-ness, and its subcategories are giving hints, giving association clues, presupposing, understating, overstating, using tautologies, using contradictions, being ironic, using metaphors, and using rhetorical question. The other main strategy of going off record is being vague or ambiguous, and its subcategories are being ambiguous, being vague, over-generalising, displacing hearer and being incomplete. Politeness In Scientific articles This section aims to present an overview of recent trends in the research of academic writing. One particular area of on-going research is the use of politeness in scientific articles such as economic issues written by economic scholars in academic journal. Myers (1989) discovers that politeness strategies are used explicitly in scientific research article, for instance, to make claims and avoid FTAs. In his study The Pragmatic of Politeness in Scientific Articles, Myers mentions that he adopted politeness strategies proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987) in their book Politeness; Some Universal in language Usage. Brown and Levinson (1987) have developed a theory of politeness to explain the nature of politeness phenomena in language. According to them, it is possible to define generic types of politeness strategies to explain and predict the adoption of politeness in oral or written discourse. As already mentioned in the previous explanation, this theory is based on the work of Goffmann (1967) and it states that people who want to be polite assess the degree of face threat that their discourse will cause in others. BL outline a whole hierarchy of politeness strategies and argue that cultures can be compared in terms of which categories of redress preferred. Most of the claims in the corpus of scientific articles illustrate either positive or negative politeness strategies. But there are instances that illustrate the other choices open to BLs Model of person; doing FTA without redress, baldly; doing it off record; indirectly; and deciding not to do it at all. The Model Person also has a rational faculty for choosing the course of action that will give the highest pay-off with the least loss of face, evaluating three variables; the social distances (D); the relative difference in power between the speaker and hearer (P); and the rank of imposition (R). Myers (1989: 3) in his articles still uses the Brown and Levinson model to help understand the interaction between writers and readers in written text, and particularly in scientific texts, so it meant that these three basic variables are affective to help this study understand the interactions of politeness between writers and readers in written text. In the realm of written communication, the influence of the above factors to politeness has been assessed by Chiappini and Harris 1996; Holtgraves and Yang 1990; and Pilegaard 1997. Although it has been said that specific factors like power, social distance or status influence the adoption of strategies, it is difficult to provide definite conclusions. But it could be said that politeness in written communication such as in economic journal, like others academic field has been generally concluded as a strategy used to create and maintain a friendly atmosphere for relations, to close distance between speakers and hearers and to mitigate the impact of impositions. Greg Myers published his article The Pragmatics of Politeness in Scientific Articles in 1989. By using the model of the politeness principle, Myers (1989) pioneers the application of Brown and Levinsonss (1987) politeness strategies onto written text, and he discovers the existence of politeness in scientific articles. This study attempts to follow what Myers had done in the previous study when he explores and analyzes the research article, by choosing to study economic journals that are quite similar to the corpus in Myerss study. The reason is because an economic journal consists of interactions among economists in which the maintenance of face is crucial. We could see economists building alliances that define what knowledge is as the statement of the individual becomes a fact when it is accepted and used by consensus of the community. In these interactions, certain FTAs are unavoidable and must be redressed with various politeness devices. Moreover, every economist report in the economic issues states a claim, in other words, it makes statement that is to be taken as the articles contribution to knowledge. Most reports, in stating a claim, deny or supersede the claims of others. As stated earlier, this study tries to examine the politeness strategies in the economic text. Myers (1989) investigates the use of politeness in scientific text which closely related with this study. Myers (1983: 3) justifies his reasons for studying politeness strategies in scientific articles. The first reason is scientific article containing the norms of scientific culture, which include the use of passives, nominalization, hedges, and acknowledgement. Secondly, it is because he considers scientific writing as a hard case. If this type of writing contains politeness strategies, then their presence in other genres can be expected. The next reason is that every scientific reports states a claim, an FTA is performed. It would be interesting to see how writers of scientific writing employ politeness strategies to stake a claim. Myers (1983) also discovers that politeness strategies are used explicitly in scientific articles. Below are the strategies employed by the writers/authors co mmonly found in the scientific papers. Positive Politeness and Solidarity In Brown and Levinson (1987), the hierarchy of positive politeness is directed at showing the speaker concerns with hearers concern. Similarly, Myers in his article illustrate the situation: That in scientific writing the range possible references to the readers wants is severely restricted: one cannot for instance, make any remark praising the general talents of a researcher, or remind the readers of a readers past success. But there are positive politeness devices for showing the writer acceptance of the wants of rival researcher, or of the scientific community as whole. (Myers: 1989) In his article, he also points out that the researchers show their solidarity with the community by showing identification with common goals. For instance, when a researcher expresses disappointment, it does not mean that it is a display of personal feelings. Instead, it is an expression of despair for the loss of the opportunity to contribute towards the community. In another example, when an author or a researcher expresses his pleasure or sheer delight, it is not a celebration of personal achievement; it is meant to indicate how glad the author is that the findings fit with the larger goals of the scientific community. Myers (1989) finds that strategic use of pronoun is to stress solidarity, as imposition is made and the use of modifiers to assume common ground, the use of emotional response to indicate solidarity and such unscientific-seeming devices as joking and giving gifts, and also the use of citations are normally used to show solidarity. One way of making criticism while minimizing the FTA is for the writers to use pronoun that include themselves in the criticism. Besides the use of we that means the writers, there is we that means the discipline as a whole. The use of the first person plural pronoun lessens the impact of the claim or criticism made (Myers 1998:7). When an author uses we, it shows solidarity with others, such as research partner(s) or supervisor(s) Joking would seem to be an unlikely politeness strategy in scientific text, and indeed there is not much room for humour in it. But jokes are useful for scientists, linguists, economists or other academic communities, in establishing a sense of shared knowledge or assumptions. This sense can emerge in two features of scientific articles, namely new terms and titles, and they may serve to mitigate the FTA of claim. BL list the giving of gifts as one of their positive politeness strategies. The concerned device in the analysis of writing is the gift of credit, especially in the disposition of citations. It may seem odd that the choice of who to cite and who not to cite could be matter of strategy. One special case of this of giving credit is the acknowledgement of simultaneous, independent claims. Historically, priority disputes have been major causes of tension within the scientific community. Furthermore, authors can show their solidarity with the community more subtly by exhibiting response that assumed shared knowledge. Myers (1989) in his paper finds an indication of emotional response to results, or desire for certain results. In scientific writing such as economic journals, a pattern of citations is used to show solidarity with the scientific community. Authors used this strategy to show the referee or the editorial board that their work is in agreement with the previous studies and it is supported by these studies. Also, by citing the findings of the established members of the academic community, they hoped that their suggestions would be more convincing. Based on the explanations above, those basic concepts of the positives politeness in scientific articles have not changed much compared to the basic concepts proposed by BL, that the communication is framed so that all parties maintain a positive face. Positive politeness is an effort to make up for a threat to the desired self-image or it usually tries to minimize the distance between them by expressing friendliness and solid interest in the hearers need to be respected. Positive politeness devices are used to mitigate both claims and denials of claims.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Price of Freedom Essay -- Immigration Immigrants Equality Essays
The Price of Freedom In one’s lifetime they will see millions of advertisements claiming â€Å"this is free or that is free†, yet by the age of ten one can tell it’s all normally just a gimmick to get someone to buy more than they really need. In reality nothing is truly free, even the water that is drank everyday is not free. What is really strange is that all of this is experienced within â€Å"The Land of the Free†. Nothing in America is free, from what we buy in the stores all the way to how religions are practiced. Even worse than that, basic freedoms are stripped from American citizens on a daily basis by those corrupt political leaders and various other people in power. The worst of all is when innocent people are hurt by a system that is meant to protect them; when what is supposed to help them be free or enjoy freedoms for a short time is taken away. In both The Terminal a movie directed by Steven Spielberg and â€Å"The Border Patrol State†by Leslie Marmon Si lko basic freedoms are infringed upon by a society that is supposed to be protective and free for all to enjoy. Both works use personal experiences, paralleled with the society’s responses to demonstrate that freedom does not always happen in the land of he free to foreigners and citizens alike. In The Terminal, a man (Viktor Navorski) is not simply stuck in the airport, but rather is faced with the hardships of a cruel society that is unwelcoming or even unsupportive to someone who has just endured the loss of his own country and the privileges to enter the United States. Although this movie contains various subplots, the work focuses mainly on Viktor Navorski, an immigrant from Eastern Europe, as he struggles to get out of New York City’s airport. As his adventure unfo... ...o things as they once they could. The desire to move freely within the United States is held by all, but not necessarily something that all can do. This is demonstrated through the participant’s eagerness and willingness to follow the laws, yet desire to find a change within a country that is supposed to be â€Å"The land of the free†. For Viktor Navorski and Leslie Silko this became all too real as they tried their hands at enjoying what we all take for granted in our everyday lives. Being American is having your freedom and traveling into America should encompass the same, freedoms. Yet, it is hard when even those who are free or wish to experience freedom can’t actually do that, sad but true. Just a child learns the truth behind the gimmick of buy this and get that free, those in American are all learning that there are freedoms, but they certainly come at a price.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Bohol Countryside Package tour Essay
Commentary: Good Afternoon Everyone! I’m Queensy del Corro, your tour guide for this 2-Day and 1 night Bohol Countryside Package tour. You can call me queen, queens or just â€Å"Q†, whatever that suits you. And now, We are on our way to our first stop The St. Joseph Cathedral. St. Joseph the Worker is the patron saint of the city. The original church was built by the Jesuits through forced labour of the local people. But on December 23, 1798 the church was demolished to the ground. The cross-shaped church was reconstructed in 1839 to 1855. Less than two decades later, the two-storey convent was added, followed by the bell tower. As you can see the cathedral has a neo-Romanesque look, with corbelled arches underneath the cornice. Built from the usual materials found in other old churches built by the Spanish colonizers, the church retains the classic look at the front facade. In the inside. The church is both simple and majestic. Simple because the decorations are not as ornate as those we would see in Baclayon Church. Which you will be able to see tomorrow on our 2nd day. Or that of the Sto. Nino Basilica in Cebu. Majestic because it inspires awe when you look up at the display of saints behind the altar. Weddings are grandest at the cathedral which would explain why it is not easy to get a reservation for the wedding schedules. If you really want to, give yourself a year to reserve in order to be sure. So now, you can look around, take pictures and I’ll give you just enough time to admire the sacred place. And please do minimize your voices for there is a lot of church goers who prays and visits this place every now and then. And for our next destination, We are now here at The Sandugo or Blood Compact Shrine monument in Bo-ol district of Tagbilaran City. Does anyone here have an idea what the word â€Å"Sandugo†means? â€Å"Sandugo†is a Visayan word which means â€Å"one blood†or in tagalog â€Å"Iisang-dugo†. It was a blood compact, performed between the Spanish explorer Miguel Là ³pez de Legazpi and Datu Sikatuna, the chieftain of Bohol on that time. It became one of a landmark site of the first international treaty of friendship between Spaniards and Filipinos. It happened on March 16, 1565, to seal their friendship as part of the tribal tradition. The monument, with the bronze statues of Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, Rajah Sikatuna and several other witnesses, was a masterpiece of the Boholano sculptor and National Artist for Sculpture, Napoleon Abueva. Take time to have your pictures taken, and you may also enjoy the over-looking view of the Bohol Sea at the back, just be careful. I know you’re a bit hungry at the moment but don’t worry ‘cause we are now here at Bohol Bee Farm. You’ll be able to enjoy their healthy and organic food without feeling guilty after consuming a plate or two. But not only that, you’ll also enjoy to get near the cages or synthetic bee hives where the bees produce honey to pastries with traces of grated vegetables. A guide will assist you there so don’t worry. They also offer accommodation services such as, spas, massage areas and alike. So I’ll give you enough time to enjoy the food and most especially the place. Have and fun and I’ll see you after an hour and a half. And now, we are here at Panglao Shell Museum also known as The Nova Shell Museum, It features an enchanting collection of sea shells, especially those endemic to the waters of Panglao and Bohol. The museum is owned and operated by Mr. Quirino Hora who has practically devoted half his life in the collecting, studying and archiving of these underwater creatures. His hobby soon developed into a source of income for his family and provided employment opportunities to the local folks. At present, the Shell Museum showcases one of the biggest shell collections in the world. For enthusiasts of the beautiful sea life, the place is definitely on the top of the list. Fun fact, two shells are already named after him, the Busa Quirihoria and the Primovula Horai. The former was discovered in 1987 and the latter in 1994, along the pristine shores of Panglao Island. A tourist guide on standby can provide us information about the shells displayed inside the museum. Let’s now hear it from him. I know you are all feeling tired from the almost half a day of travelling on the way here in Bohol. And the some short stops we did along the way, that’s why I’m ending our first day early leaving you here in the Paradise of Bellevue Resort. Reservations are already made so you don’t have to worry about anything. Free breakfast is included for tomorrow. Enjoy, Relax and have fun! The Bellevue Resort is everything you would imagine having in the best night of your tour. Experience a life of luxury with The Bellevue’s five star appointments. The customer service desk is open for any inquires you may need. Call time tomorrow would be at 7:30 here at the exact area where we are now. See you! We’ll be leaving exactly at 8am. Bring your swim wear just in case! DAY 2 Good Morning Everyone! So how was your sleep? Did you enjoy your Bellevue experience last night? I hope you did. Have everyone here had their breakfast? ‘cause we have a long day ahead of us. Our first destination for this day is the Hinagdanan Cave here in Bingag, Dauis still in the Island of Panglao, Bohol. In the area, you’ve seen numerous souvenir shops that sell a wide variety of souvenir items like keychain, T- shirts, hats and the likes. I highly recommend to buy your â€Å"pasalubongs†here, for their shops have cheaper prices than of the other you’ll see on our way. But you can do it later, don’t worry I’ll give you time for that. Upon entering, the cave’s interior is quite dark, that’s why you need to adjust your cameras for proper lighting when you take pictures. If you don’t know the proper camera setting, I’ll be glad to assist you how to do so. I can also take your picture if you want to. Inside the cave you can see a big, clean, and deep lagoon where you can bathe. So anyone who brought their swim wears with them? You may now go dipping! Next stop-over would be here at Dauis Church. The church is named Our Lady of Assumption. It is located in the heart of Dauis town. The big area outside serves as the playground for kids and picnic area for families during afternoons. Inside the church, you will see the â€Å"Miraculous well†as they say. Because according to some people, the water from the well can cure illnesses and sometimes helps you acquire things that you’ve been wishing for a long time. At the back of the church, near the exit door you can see a small kiosk like structure where they sell bottled water from the â€Å"miraculous well†. You can buy it for 20 pesos. Take time to look over the place and don’t think twice to ask me help you take your pictures. Next in line is meeting Prony! The Python in Captivity. Prony is a self-developed and trained Python. It is owned by Sofronio (â€Å"Fronio†), where the name â€Å"Prony†came from. This is the biggest and longest Phyton in captivity is in the Island. Prony was captured last October 21, 1996 which only weighs 5 kilos and is 5 feet long during that time . Animal and snake experts says that the growth of Prony is abnormal as Pythons who live in the wild with the same sizes are already 50 years old comparing to Prony who is only 9 years old. The owner says that Prony’s growth abnormality is due to the fact that they treated the Python with outmost care. They fed Prony live chickens before but due to her large consumption and the cost of chickens, they now fed her with pig or goat every month. Prony has an amazing ability to sense unsuitable food such as sick pigs and goats. Prony doesn’t like dark, spotted and dirty pigs. She chooses clean white pigs that weigh over 40 kilos. The Python is given a bath 4 times a day and celebrates her own birthday annually. Now, you can take pictures with Prony. And if you like, they also have photographers to take your picture and give you a printed one right after with a reasonable price. As what I’ve said yesterday, we’ll be visiting the Baclayon Church – The Baclayon Church regarded as the second-oldest church in the Philippines; next to San Agustin Church in Intramuros. Symbolizing Catholicism’s influence in the island, the Baclayon Church was built from corals bound together by mortar mixed from eggwhite. Inside the church, you can see the dark interior of Baclayon Church, the gilded retablo behind the altar will definitely catch your attention, it is a baroque confection bedecked with backlit icons. Let’s walk to the back of the church and you’ll see carroza, or carriages for religious processions; some walls and part of the floors are engraved with the names of devotees presumably buried under the tiles. We’ll now be entering the Baclayon parish museum, please keep your cameras for picture-taking inside is not allowed. You’ll find the relics of ivory icons of Jesus and Mary; relics of Jesuit saints; church music written on sheepskin; priestly vestments; and religious artwork. Notes at the bottom part of the relics are provided, take time to read while the local guide tours you around the museum. For the awaited lunch buffet, we are now here at the Loboc River Cruise. This is not something optional if you don’t want to miss a superb experience in your Bohol country side tour. Enjoy a buffet lunch in a festival themed floating restaurant while enjoying the cool breeze blowing inside it as it traverses Loboc’s clean river which is surrounded by lush green plants. Loboc River Cruise also offer a night cruise which is perfect for a romantic dinner. Along the cruise you’ll see several lanterns in the trees which surely look great at night. Enjoy your lunch while listening to the local bands ready to serenade you throughout the cruise. And don’t be surprised if they do some short stop-overs to let you see and admire the local children dancing and singing folk songs. On our way to Chocolate Hills, let’s take this opportunity to stop-over in Bohol’s Man-made Forest. The 2-kilometer expanse of verdant vegetation mostly of Mahogany trees, added with ferns, some wild bushes and flowers. The Mahogany Forest was part of the nationwide reforestation program that was launched in the 1960s during the reign of Diosdado Macapagal. The 857.4 hectares of bare land was gradually planted with young Mahogany trees by volunteers. You can also now take the opportunity of taking memorable pictures of another grand spectacle of Mother Nature and at the same time, also a product of human ingenuity. For our last but not the least destination. The Famous Chocolate Hills. The world-renowned cone-shaped Chocolate Hills is Nature’s expression of beauty, mystery and romance. Chocolate Hills is also cited as a Geological Movement of the country and is also known as the Eighth Wonder of the World. It consists of approximately 1,268 hay cock hills with heights ranging from 40 to 120 meters. Formed centuries ago by tidal movements, the hills are considered as a National Geologic Movement. During the summers, the dome-shaped grass covered limestone hills dry up and turn brown, transforming the area into seemingly endless rows of chocolate â€Å"kisses†. Two of the highest hills have been now developed and provided with facilities such as a restaurant, hostel and a view deck. Now go ahead and explore Bohol’s Pride! Goodluck on climbing the 214 steps before reaching the view deck. Take Care!! Myth Story telling: On our way to Chocalate Hills Legend has it that when giants live with mortals, a gentle giant fell in love with a beautiful village girl. Agoro, the giant was handsome and though a favorite among female giants, was also a loner. When everything and everybody sleeps, Arogo would sit by his favorite spot near the river to ponder or just watch the night pass by. One night while Arogo was by his spot, he noticed a beautiful native girl with hair as black as the night by the river bank. He instantly fell in love with Aluya. After that night. Arogo would always wait by his place to take a glimpse at his beloved Aluya. A rumor reached Arogo that Aluya would soon marry a man her parents chose for her. The night before Aluya’s wedding, Agoro kidnapped Aluya. Seeing a giant, Aluya screamed, kicked and cried, but to no avail. Arogo was successful in abducting Aluya. In the giant’s cave, Arogo tried to give Aluya food and water but the girl kept on crying. Her sadness reached her heart that she died with tears in her eyes. Arogo buried her and kept his vigil. He cried for days and months. Giant tears fell to the ground. He cried a thousand years for the loss of his love. After sometime, Arogo’s tears hardened and became what we know today as Chocolate hills. The Hills were witnesses of an unrequited love of the years go by. There are at least 1,776 uniform hills that leave visitors no wonder how they came to be. And that would end our tour 2 day 1 night Bohol Countryside Tour. I hope you had fun even just for a brief period of time. I enjoyed your company and I’ll be expecting to see you here again! Thank you so much! And it’s me, Queensy del Corro again, signing off as your tour guide.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Comprehensive Ignorance - 1553 Words
Currently, there is no national standard regarding sexual education in America. Soaring sexually transmitted infection (STI) rates are occurring at a national level – there are approximately nine million new occurrences of STIs in the United States each year among teenagers and young adults alone (Alan Guttmacher Institute 2011). Consequently, the United States continues to have one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the developed worldâ€â€more than twice as in Canada (Alan Guttmacher Institute 2011). This large number of infected teenagers combined with the startling pregnancy rates has caused a state of panic in many states, provoking discussion on the topic of introducing comprehensive sexual education into the classroom as a†¦show more content†¦Although teaching abstinence is useful and can benefit an individual, it clearly is not enough. While the department of education does include a recommendation for school districts to develop and implement age-a ppropriate sex education, it’s not mandated in many states. There is confusion among teenagers about the different methods they can use to protect themselves; for example, contraceptives (such as birth control) do not prevent STI’s, but do prevent pregnancies. In fact, almost 37% of 18-25 year olds incorrectly believe at least one of the following: transmission of HIV is possible by sharing a glass, kissing, or touching a toilet seat (The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation 2006). Without the proper knowledge, teens simply cannot be expected to act accordingly. Abstinence-only education gives students an incomplete education, and expects students to disregard the gaps in teachings. This isnt just unfair; it is dangerous. 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